Nico talking about Mary Hodgson - "a wholly unique woman. ... She was unquestionably the most import (Read More)
Nico remembering Mary Rose's island - "far too small to land on". Not so - Sharon and I did just tha (Read More)
Nico describes Barrie's occasional moods, and the hope that he'd be in a good one when bringing a fr (Read More)
BBC radio's centenary programme: "Peter Pan Takes Flight", broadcast on 23 December 2004 (Read More)
Nico talks about Denis Mackail, and making him cut his 1941 biography on Barrie, "The Story of JMB" (Read More)
Nico showing us Frohman's gift to Michael, aged 13: a book on cricket, with "Admit Two to the Duke o (Read More)
Nico's wife Mary regarding Michael as a highbrow (Read More)
Nina Boucicault talking about Barrie to the BBC in 1937 (Read More)
Nico showing us "the best picture ever taken of Uncle Jim" - Barrie standing with Luath, photographe (Read More)
Barrie's "tremendous flirtation" with American review, resulting in "Hello Ragtime" which Nico saw 2 (Read More)